When lawful.
ing upon said counties, except between the fifth day
of September and the first day of November in each
and every year.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That hereafter it shall
not be lawful for any person to shoot, or in any man-
ner catch, kill or have in possession, any partridge
When unlaw-
fid to shoot par-
between the eleventh day of January, said day in-
cluded, and the first day of November next ensuing,
in each and every year; nor shall any person trap or
destroy or molest the eggs or nests of said birds at
any time.
Approved March 4, 1884.
Chapter 17.
AN ACT to divide the fourth election district of
Caroline county into two election precincts.
Election dis-
trict divided.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the fourth election district of
Caroline county be and it is hereby divided into two
election precincts, to be known as election precincts
number one and two of the fourth election district of
Caroline county.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the dividing line
between said precincts of said election district shall
be as follows: Beginning at Choptank river at the
mouth of Hog creek, and running with and up said
Mete s and
creek until said stream is crossed by the public road
leading from Bethlehem to Harmony, near R. M.
Messick's steam mill, then with the public road to
Friendship M. E. Church, passing near Union Grove.
The remaining lines of said precincts to remain as the
lines of said election district already laid down.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That all of said election
district north of said dividing line as laid down in
section two, shall be called and known as Harmony
How called
and known.
precinct, or precinct number one of said election dis-
trict, and that Harmony shall be the place of holding
elections in said precinct number one, and that all of
said election district south of said line shall be called
and known as Preston precinct, or precinct number