SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That in order
to enable the burgess and commissioners of Emmitts-
burg to carry out the provisions of this act, the said
burgess and commissioners are hereby authorized, em-
powered and directed to levy annually, upon the taxa-
ble property within the corporate limits of Emmitts-
burg, in addition to the corporation taxes now allowed
by law, a -water tax, to be levied and collected the
same as other corporation taxes are levied and col-
Levy annually
a water tax.
lected, and that the said taxes levied and collected for
a water tax shall be kept as a separate fund, and shall
not be used for any other purpose than to pay said
joint stock water company the interest on the cost of
supplying said town with water as hereinbefore pro-
vided; and the burgess and commissioners of Emmitts-
burg shall levy annually, and collect for this purpose,
a water tax not exceeding ten cents upon every hun-
dred dollars of assessable property within the corpo-
rate limits of Emmittsburg.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted. That the bur-
gess and commissioners of Emmittsburg be and they
are hereby empowered to order an election to be held
Election — how
at such time as they shall designate, after the same
notice and in the same manner as corporate elections
of said town are now held, to take the sense of the
people in respect to water works for said town; and
at such election the qualified voters then residing
within the corporate limits of said town be and they
are hereby authorized to cast a ballot " For the con-
tract for water works," or a ballot "Against the
contract for water works," and that the result of such
Ballots— how
election shall be certified, in the manner of certifying
corporate elections, to the burgess and commissioners
of said town; and if the majority of the votes cast at
said election be " For the contract for water works,"
the said burgess and commissioners shall be forthwith
empowered and authorized to carry out and give
effect to the terms and provisions of this act in
respect to a contract with said joint stock water com-
pany, as hereinbefore provided; but if a majority of
the votes cast at said election shall be "Against the
contract for water works," then this act to be null
and void.
SEC. 4. Any acts or parts of acts inconsistent with
this act are hereby repealed.
Approved March 20, 1884.