commissioners, and on the face of said bonds, as the
" court house repair fund."
SEC. 3. And oe it further enacted, That the bonds
authorized by this act shall be exempt from, and that
Bonds exempt
from taxation.
the interest on said bonds shall be receivable in pay-
ment of county taxes only.
SEC. 4. And be it further enacted, That this act
shall take effect from the date of its passage.
Approved March 20, 1884.
Chapter 93.
AN ACT to authorize and empower the burgess and
commissioners of Emmittsburg to make a contract
with the " Emmittsburg Water Company in Freder-
ick county," a joint stock water company, for the
supply of water to said town, and erection of fire
plugs or hydrants, and to levy taxes to pay said
company according to the terms of said contract,
and to provide for the submission of this act to the
qualified voters of the town of Emmittsburg.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the burgess and commissioners of
Emmittsburg are hereby authorized and empowered
to enter into and make contracts with the Emmitts-
Enter into and
burg Water Company in Frederick county, a joint
make contracts
stock water company, binding the corporate authori-
ties of Emmittsburg to pay annually, to said joint
stock water company, the interest at the rate of six
per centum per annum, provided said interest shall
not exceed the amount realized from a tax of ten
cents upon every hundred dollars of assessable pro-
perty within the corporate limits of Emmittsburg, to
be paid annually upon the costs of supplying water
to said town, and erecting fire-plugs or hydrants for
the extinguishment of fire and the .protection of pro-
perty in said corporation; provided, however, that
When pay-
said annual payments shall not begin until the said
ments begin.
town has been supplied with water.