SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That when said
bonds are issued they shall be redeemable at the
pleasure of the said county commissioners, at or
Bonds— how
before the maturity thereof, and shall be made paya-
ble at such times that not more than five hundred
dollars thereof shall mature in any one year.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That the said
county commissioners are hereby authorized and em-
powered to levy annually on the assessable property
of said county a tax sufficient to pay the annual
interest on said bonds, and shall also levy, when
Levy annually.
necessary, for such sums as may be necessary and
required to pay the principal of said bonds as the
same may accrue when due, said levy to be designated
on the records of the office of said commissioners and
on the face of said bonds as the "Jail Building Fund."
SEC 4. And, be it further enacted, That the bonds
Bonds exempt-
authorized by this act shall be exempt from all taxa-
ed from taxa-
tion, and that the interest on said bonds shall be re-
ceivable in payment of county taxes.
SEC. 5. And be it further enacted, That the county
commissioners of said county be and they are hereby
authorized and empowered to build the new jail for
said county, on the site of the present jail for said
county, or in any other more eligible or convenient
Where to build
location which the said commissioners may select, in
such manner and style, and upon such place as the
said county commissioners elect, and in such building
to use such of the materials of the present jail of said
county as they may deem suitable.
SEC. 6. And be it further enacted, That the said
county commissioners are hereby authorized and em-
powered to tear down and remove the present jail of
said county, and provide temporarily, at the expense
Provide tempo-
rarily for pris-
of said county, such accommodations for the sheriff
of said county, and the prisoners committed to his
custody, as they may deem proper and expedient until
the new jail is completed and ready for use.
Approved March 20, 1884.