Chapter 85.
AN ACT to authorize The Susquehanna Water Power
and Paper Company of Harford county to acquire
certain property by condemnation.
WHEREAS the Susquehanna Water Power and Paper
Company of Harford county, a corporation duly char-
tered under the general incorporation law of this state
to manufacture, dispose of and sell prepared paper,
and to do whatever is necessary and proper in relation
thereto, and also to develop, maintain, utilize and dis-
pose of any water power that may be owned or
acquired by said corporation, and to do whatever is
necessary and proper in relation thereto, and in the
use and employment thereof for milling and other
purposes, is engaged in the development and utiliza-
tion of a large and valuable water power on the Sus-
quehanna river, and is desirous of furnishing and
supplying other manufacturing establishments and
mills, besides its own, upon reasonable terms; therefore,
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the said, The Susquebanna Water
Power and Paper Company of Harford county, is
hereby authorized and empowered, whenever it cannot
agree with the owner or owners of any land, water
rights or interest therein, east of the tow path of the
Tide Water Canal, not further north than Commings'
bridge, and not further south than the northern bound-
aries of the property now held by E. C. Hopkins,
necessary for the proper extension and development
of their present dam, or any dam they may locate or
Power to ac-
quire by pur-
build on or near the site of their present dam, or lia-
ble to be overflowed or injured by the back water from
said dam, which land, rights or interest therein said cor-
poration may have the power to acquire by purchase
under its charter; or whenever such owner is a feme
covert, minor or non compos mentis, without power
to contract in relation to said property, to proceed to
condemn and acquire the same in the manner pro-
vided for in sections one hundred and seventy-four to
one hundred and seventy-nine, inclusive, of the gen-
eral incorporation, law of this state.
Approved March 20th, 1884.