of the provisions of this Act, or any rule or regulation
formulated thereunder, a conviction for one offense shall
not be a bar to a conviction for a continuation of such
offense subsequent to the first or any succeeding conviction.
SEC. 17. And be it further enacted, That, at any time,
"The Commissioners of Vienna" shall be empowered to ex-
tend its water and sewerage systems into any area outside
of the corporate limits of Vienna, contiguous hereto
or in the vicinity thereof, whenever a majority of the
property owners of said areas shall agree to the condi-
tions that may be imposed by "The Commissioners of
Vienna. "
SEC. 18. And be it further enacted, That during any
calendar year after the year in which the last of the bonds
issued under this Act, are sold, "The Commissioners of
Vienna" may issue bonds for the extension, enlargement
or -improvement of the water and sewerage systems, not
in excess of One Thousand Dollars ($1, 000. 00), without
a referendum, and all other provisions of this Act shall
become applicable to each of said bond issues.
SEC. 19. And be it further enacted, That all Acts and
parts of Acts inconsistent with the provisions of this Act,
be, and the same are hereby, repealed to the extent of
their inconsistency, provided that nothing herein contained
shall be taken as affecting Chapter 810 of the Acts of the
Maryland Legislature of 1914, nor as restricting any con-
trol which the State Board of Health of Maryland is empow-
ered to exercise within the corporate limits of the Town
of Vienna.
SEC. 20. And be it further enacted, That nothing in this
Act is construed or shall be intended to be taken as re-
leasing the said "The Commissioners of Vienna, " from any
and all provisions of Chapter 180 of the Acts of the
General Assembly of Maryland of 1910, known as the
Public Service Commission Law, or any amendment there-
to, to the extent that the same may apply to municipal
water supply systems.
SEC. 21. And be it further enacted, That this Act is
hereby declared to be an emergency law, necessary for the
preservation of the public health and safety, and being
passed upon a yea and nay vote, supported by three-fifths
of all the members elected to each of the two Houses of