Vienna" for damage that might be done to the same by
reason of "The Commissioners of Vienna's" operations in
constructing or maintaining its said water and sewerage
systems. Any violation of the provision of this section
shall be a misdemeanor punishable under Section 16 of
this Act.
SEC. 15. And be it further enacted, That whenever it
shall be deemed necessary by "The Commissioners of
Vienna" to take or acquire any land, structures or build-
ings, or any stream bed, water way, water rights or water
shed, either in fee or as an easement, within or without
the town of Vienna, for the construction, extension or
maintenance of any water or sewer main or appurtenance
thereof, or for any reservoir, water purification plant, tank
or pumping station, "The Commissioners of Vienna" may
purchase the same from the owners or failing to agree
with the owner or owners thereof, may condemn the same
by proceedings in the Circuit Court of Dorchester County,
as now provided for condemnation of land by public service
corporation in the Code of Public General Laws of Mary-
land, and "The Commissioners of Vienna" may likewise
condemn the interest of any tenant, lessee or other person
having an interest in said land, structures or buildings,
stream bed, water way, water rights or water shed. At any
time after ten days after the return and recordation of
the verdict or award in said proceedings, "The Commis-
sioners of Vienna" may enter and take possession of the
property so condemned, upon first paying to the Clerk of
the Court the amount of said award and all costs taxed to
date, notwithstanding any appeal or further proceedings
upon the part of the Defendant; at the time of said pay-
ment, however, it shall give its corporate undertaking to
abide by and fulfill any judgment on such appeal or further
SEC. 16. And be it further enacted, That every act or
omission designated as a misdemeanor in this Act, unless
otherwise provided, shall be punishable before any Justice
of the Peace, or the Circuit Court for Dorchester County,
and shall be brought by warrant or indictment upon the
oath or information of any member of "The Commissioners
of Vienna" or any employee thereof, and the offender shall,
upon conviction, be subject to a fine not exceeding one
hundred dollars or thirty days in the County Jail, or both,
in the discretion of the Court. Where such act or omission
is of a continuing nature, and is persisted in, in violation