and authorized to fix and levy an assessment upon all prop-
erty abutting upon said water main in accordance with the
classification, and shall in writing notify all owners of said
properties into which class their respective properties fall
and the assessment determined upon, naming also in said
notice a time and place when and at which said owners will
be heard. Such notice may be mailed to the last known
address of the owner, or served in person upon any adult
occupying the premises, or in the case of vacant or un-
improved property, posted upon the premises. The classi-
fication of and assessment against any property as made
by "The Commissioners of Vienna" shall be final, subject
only to revision at said hearing. "The Commissioners of
Vienna" may change the classification of properties from
time to time, as said properties change in the uses to which
they are put. Said assessments shall be levied for both
water and sewerage supply and construction and shall
be based for each class of property upon the number of
front feet abutting upon the street, lane, alley or right-of-
way in which the water or sewer pipe is placed; provided,
however, that no lot in a sub-division property shall be
assessed on more than one side, that corner lots in this
class shall be assessed on that frontage towards which the
building shall naturally face, and that all lots in this class
shall be assessed for their full frontage even though a
water or sewer main may not extend along the full length
of any boundary; that in case of irregular shaped lots and
shallow lots fronting on more than one street in which a
water or sewer main is placed, "The Commissioners of
Vienna" may assess such length of frontage as they deem
reasonable and fair; and provided, further, that in the case
of small acreage and agricultural property, where a water
or sewer main does not extend along the whole frontage,
"The Commissioners of Vienna" may assess such length
of frontage as they deem reasonable and fair. Front-foot
assessments for water supply and sewerage construction
shall be uniform for each class of property throughout the
Town. The amount of the assessment per front foot for
each class of property for water mains shall be determined
annually by "The Commissioners of Vienna, " as costs and
conditions require. Said assessments shall be paid an-
nually beginning in the year such construction is begun
by all persons owning property located, as above specified,
and the said annual assessment to continue for a period
of years co-extensive with the period of the latest matur-
ity of the said serial bonds, out of the proceeds of which
such construction was done; provided, however, that any