compensation of each and of all subordinates under them,
and shall prescribe their duties, except as herein provided;
provided, however, that the compensation of the clerk-
treasurer shall not exceed ten per centum of moneys col-
lected by him. They shall attend the meetings of the
Mayor and Town Council and perform such duties as they
may be directed to perform. The Clerk-treasurer shall
keep the minutes of the proceedings of the Mayor and Town
Council in a well-bound book to be provided by the Mayor
and Town Council, which shall be open to inspection by all
persons interested therein. He shall receive the taxes and
other moneys due the town, keeping a record of each item;
shall keep all moneys belonging to the town and disburse
the same only in accordance with the regulations and
orders of the Mayor and Town Council and perform such
other clerical duties as the Mayor and Town Council may
direct. The Clerk-treasurer shall give bond to the Mayor
and Town Council in such penalties and with such sureties
as the Mayor and Town Council may require. The Town
Police who shall be appointed by the Mayor with the ap-
proval of the Town Council, shall preserve the peace and
good order of the town and enforce the Public General
Laws and local laws of the State of Maryland as well as the
ordinances passed by the Mayor and Town Council, and
for this purpose they are vested with as full power and
authority to make arrests and serve criminal processes
within the boundary limits of the said town as constables
now have or may have hereafter under the laws of the
State. They shall have power and authority to pursue
violators or suspected violators of the law beyond the limits
of the town and make arrests outside of the town for vio-
lations of the law committed within the town. Their au-
thority to retain custody of a person arrested shall continue
outside of the town while in the course of taking such
person before a Justice of the Peace or to jail. The health
officer shall make frequent inspections, as often as may
be necessary, to maintain the public health and sanitary
conditions of the town.
248. The Mayor and Town Council shall have full power
to pass from time to time such ordinances for the good
government, health, safety, morals, general welfare and
improvement of the town and for the preservation of
peace and good order therein as they may deem necessary
and proper. They may provide by ordinance for imposing a
license on amusements, public exhibitions, and on all other
businesses, and for the sale of firecrackers or fireworks,