the time of application each applicant shall pay to the Clerk
the cost of the advertisement hereinafter required.
The State Comptroller shall cause standard forms for
such licenses, and of applications therefor, to be printed
and distributed among the Clerks of the Courts aforesaid,
and the Comptroller shall account for the fees received
by him, to the City of Baltimore, the incorporated town or
the county, as the case may be, where the applicant is li-
censed to operate, less pro rata deductions for a special
fund not to exceed $10, 000. 00 per annum, to be applied to
the expenses of his office and the office of the Bureau of
State Licenses, including travelling expenses, and includ-
ing, also, reasonable compensation for the assistants here-
inafter mentioned.
104F: Every applicant for a license of either class
to sell any of the beverages aforesaid shall file with the
said Clerk of the Court of Common Pleas of Baltimore
City or with the Clerk of the Circuit Court of the county,
as the case may be, a petition for such license which shall
contain the following information and assurances:
Each application for a license shall contain (a) the
name and residence of the applicant and how long he has
resided within the State of Maryland; (b) the particu-
lar place for which a license is desired, designating the
same by street and number, if practicable, if not, by such
other apt description as definitely locates it; (e) the class
of license desired; (d) the name of the owner of the
premises upon which the business sought to be licensed is
to be carried on; (e) a statement that the applicant is a
citizen of the United States and not less than 21 years
of age, and that such applicant has never been convicted
of a felony or been adjudged guilty of violating the laws
of the United States or of the State of Maryland govern-
ing the sale of intoxicating liquors; (f) that no brewer
or manufacturer or distiller of any of the beverages herein
referred to has or will have any interest, direct or indi-
rect, in the establishment or business for which the li-
cense is sought. Each application for a license must be
verified by the affidavit of the applicant, and if any appli-
cant shall make a false statement in any part of his said
application, he shall be deemed guilty of perjury, and
upon conviction thereof, the license shall immediately be-
come null and void, and the applicant be subject to the
penalty provided by law for that crime.
104G: There shall be annexed to every such applica-