a day for the holding of a hearing for the examination of
said insolvent person, firm or corporation, and shall sum-
mon said insolvent individual, the members of the firm or
the officers of the corporation, as the case may be, to be
examined fully as to the condition and disposition of his,
her, their or its assets both before and after the time of
assumption of jurisdiction by the Court. The commis-
sioner or examiner shall cause written notice to be sent to
all the creditors of said person, firm or corporation at least
ten days prior to the date of said examination. The com-
missioner or examiner may adjourn said hearing from time
to time as he may think proper, and at any stage of the
proceedings in said cause the Court may, in its discretion,
make a further order that any other examination or testi-
mony be taken by a commissioner or examiner designated
therein. Said commissioner or examiner, when acting
under this section, shall in addition have all the powers and
duties imposed upon examiners by Section 269 of this
Article, and any amendments thereto. After the hearing
has been concluded, the commissioner or examiner shall put
together the original depositions, with all vouchers, docu-
ments or other papers filed with him as evidence, in proper
order and form, shall authenticate the same by his certifi-
cate and signature, and shall return the same, with the
titling of the cause endorsed thereon, to the Clerk of the
Court, without delay. He shall also return properly au-
thenticated all other exhibits filed with him as evidence.
At the hearing the person examined shall be required to
answer all questions relative to property of any kind which
he, his firm or corporation has acquired, possessed, owned,
and disposed of within the period of three years immedi-
ately preceding the assumption of jurisdiction of the cause;
provided, that said person shall not be required to answer
questions which may incriminate him.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall
take effect June 1, 1933.
Approved April 21, 1933.
AN ACT to repeal and re-enact with amendments Section
31 of Article 27 of the Annotated Code of Maryland
(1924 Edition), title "Crimes and Punishments, " sub-