directed to issue serial coupon bonds on the faith and credit
of said county to the amount of $55, 000. 00, par value, said
bonds to be issued in denominations of $1, 000. 00 each and
to bear interest at a rate not exceeding four and one-half
per cent per annum, payable semi-annually in each year
during which said bonds shall be outstanding and remain
unpaid, to be signed by the president of the Board of
County Commissioners of said county and countersigned
by the clerk thereof, provided that the coupons for the in-
terest thereon may be authenticated by the engraved,
lithographed or printed signature of the said Board of
County Commissioners of Washington County affixed
thereto, which said bonds so to be issued shall be exempted
from all State, county and municipal taxes. The said bonds
shall have written or printed on them a distinct reference
to the Act authorizing the issue and shall be designated as
Washington County Sharpsburg and Sandy Hook School
Bonds of 1934.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That the said County
Commissioners of Washington County are authorized and
directed to issue bonds and sell the same at such times and
in such amounts as they may be called upon so to do by
the Board of Education of said county until the whole
amount of $55, 000. 00 shall have been issued and sold. Said
bonds shall be dated June 1, 1934, and shall be issued in
series, $4, 000. 00 thereof to mature and be paid June 1,
1939, and $4, 000. 00 to mature and be paid on June 1 of
each and every year thereafter until $40, 000. 00 of the prin-
cipal thereof shall have been paid and thereafter $3, 000. 00
to mature and be paid on June 1 of each and every year
until all of said bonds shall have matured and been paid.
SEC. 3. And be it further enacted, That in order to
provide for the selling of said bonds to be issued under the
provisions of this Act the said County Commissioners of
Washington County are hereby directed to advertise once
a week for four successive weeks before said bonds or any
part thereof shall be issued, in two daily newspapers pub-
lished in the City of Hagerstown and in such other news-
papers as may be determined by the said County Commis-
sioners, that the said County Commissioners will be in
readiness at a certain time within fifteen days after the
expiration of said notice, to receive bids at such place as
may be named in said advertisements for bonds issued
under the provisions of this Act, under such regulations as