East 21952. 88, thence with the said Annapolis High School
property South 51 degrees 49 minutes 50 seconds West
950. 68 feet to a concrete monument, the coordinates of said
concrete monument being North 20719. 67 East 21205. 75,
thence continuing with the Annapolis High School prop-
erty South 39 degrees 01 minutes East 1225 feet, more or
less, to the mean high water line of the north shore of
Spa Creek, thence with the meandering of the mean high
water line of said Creek easterly about 1600 feet to the
point where formerly was located the west rail of the Bay
Ridge Railroad, said point being distant 27. 65 feet east-
erly from the east side of Sixth Street, thence across Spa
Creek South 21 degrees 20 minutes 20 seconds East 400
feet, more or less, to the mean high water line of the South
Shore of Spa Creek, thence following the meanderings of
the mean high water line of the South Shore of Spa Creek
easterly to a point on Sycamore Point near the northwest
end of Sixth Street, the coordinates of said point being
North 21460 feet, East 29280 feet, thence northeasterly in
a straight line to the outer corner of the long wharf at the
United States Light House Depot (Old Fort Madison),
thence in a straight line southwesterly to the place of be-
ginning. The coordinates are referred to the origin lo-
cated at Latitude North 38 degrees 55 minutes, Longitude
West 76 degrees 35 minutes and the bearings are referred
to the true meridian at the origin of coordinates. Con-
taining seventy-nine one-hundredths of a square mile of
land, more or less. And the said city shall be divided into
four wards by the corporation of said city, and the citizens
of Annapolis qualified to vote for members of the General
Assembly of Maryland, and otherwise qualified by the
registration and election laws for such cases made and
provided, shall elect by ballot every three years, beginning
in 1933, on the first Monday in July, a Mayor and the
voters in each ward shall at the same time elect by ballot
two residents thereof as Aldermen, who shall constitute
the corporation of the said city under the name and style of
the Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Annapolis. The
Mayor and Aldermen, elected as herein provided, shall hold
office for the term of three years, beginning on the second
Monday of July, 1933, and on July 1 each succeeding term
of office. And immediately after the election of the Mayor
and Aldermen of the City of Annapolis in the year 1933
the said Mayor and Aldermen of the City of Annapolis
shall elect a member of the Bar of Anne Arundel County,
a resident of the City of Annapolis, to be the City Attor-
ney, to serve for the term of three years, said City Attorney