a greater width or size of yards, courts, or other open
spaces, or require a lower height of building or a less num-
ber of stories, or require a greater percentage of a lot to
be left unoccupied, or impose other higher standards than
are required by the regulations made under authority of
this Act, the provisions of such statute or local ordinance
or regulation shall govern; provided, however, that within
the limits of the Maryland-Washington Metropolitan Dis-
trict in Montgomery and Prince George's Counties—in
which District there is now in effect city and regional plan-
ning and zoning, which are being administered by existing
agencies under existing law—this Act shall be construed
wherever possible as supplemental to Chapter 448 of the
Laws of Maryland of 1927, as amended; and within the
said District the several additional and supplemental pow-
ers or any of them vested by this Act in the "municipality,"
and/or the "council," shall be construed to be vested ex-
clusively in and may be exercised within their discretion
only by the respective Boards of County Commissioners
acting as the District Council, as provided in the said
Chapter 448, as amended; and within the said District in
like manner the several additional and supplemental pow-
ers or any of them vested by this Act in the "Commission"
and in the "Board of Appeals," respectively, shall be con-
strued to be vested exclusively in and may be exercised
only, within their discretion, by the Maryland-National
Capital Park and Planning Commission and/or the re-
spective Board of Zoning Appeals of the County affected;
and provided further, that insofar as the provisions of this
Act may be inconsistent with or contrary to the provisions
of Chapter 448 of the Laws of Maryland of 1927, as
amended, such provisions shall have no application within
the Maryland-Washington Metropolitan District, but noth-
ing contained herein shall be deemed or construed to affect
the validity of the said Chapter 448, as amended; and
provided further, that nothing in this Act shall apply
to Baltimore City, Kent County, Queen Anne's County,
Talbot County, Wicomico County, Worcester County, Caro-
line County, Prince George's County, Howard County, St.
Mary's County, Anne Arundel County and Harford County.
SEC. 27. SAVING CLAUSE. And be it further enacted,
That if any clause, sentence, part or parts of this Act, or
of any section thereof shall be held unconstitutional, such
unconstitutionally shall not affect the validity of the re-
maining parts of this Act or of any section thereof. The
legislature hereby declares that it would have passed the