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Session Laws, 1933 Session
Volume 421, Page 1331   View pdf image (33K)
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the authorization of financing of which does not, under the
law or charter provisions governing same, fall within the
province of the municipal council, then the submission to
the Planning Commission shall be by the board, commis-
sion or body having such jurisdiction, and the Planning
Commission's disapproval may be overruled by said board,
commission or body by a vote of not less than two-thirds
of its membership. The failure of the Commission to act
within sixty days from and after the date of official sub-
mission to the Commission shall be deemed approval.

it shall be deemed necessary by the Commission to take or
acquire any lands, water rights, structures or buildings
either in fee or as an easement for parks, parkways, for-
ests, roads, streets, boulevards or highways grounds or
spaces, the Commission may purchase same from the
owner or owners, or, failing to agree with the owner or
owners thereof, may condemn the same by proceedings in
the circuit court for the county in which said land, water
rights, structures or buildings are located, as now provided
for condemnation of land by public service corporations in
Article 33A of the Public General Laws of Maryland; and
said Commission may at the same time condemn the inter-
est of any tenant, lessee or other person having an interest
in said land or other property. At any time after ten days
after the return and recordation of the verdict or award
in said proceeding, the Commission may enter and take
possession of said property so condemned upon first paying
to the clerk of the court the amount of said award and all
costs taxed to date, notwithstanding any appeal or further
proceeding on the part of the defendant. At the time of
said payment, however, it shall give its corporate under-
taking to abide by and fulfill any judgment on such appeal
or further proceeding if there be an appeal.

MISSION. The Commission shall have power to promote
public interest in and understanding of the plan. The
Commission shall, from time to time, recommend to the
appropriate public officials programs for public structures
and improvements and for the financing thereof. It shall
be part of its duties to consult and advise with public offi-
cials and agencies, public utility companies, civic, educa-
tional, professional and other organizations, and with
citizens with relation to the protecting or carrying out of
the plan. The Commission shall have the right to accept


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Session Laws, 1933 Session
Volume 421, Page 1331   View pdf image (33K)
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