and at the first opening of the said book, they
shall he kept open for at least five successive days,
from ten o'clock, A. H., to two o'clock, P. M.; if
sufficient subscriptions are not sooner obtained,
and if any of the said commissioners shall die, re-
sign, or decline to act before the fulfilment of the
duties devolved upon them by this act, another or
others may be appointed to fill the vacancy or
vacancies by the remaining commissioners, or a
majority of them.
Vacancy —
how filled.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That the capital stock
of the Dorchester and Delaware Railroad Company
shall be five hundred thousand dollars, in shares
of twenty-five dollars each, and as soon as one
thousand shares of the said capital stock shall be
subscribed, the subscribers of the said stock, their
successors and assigns, and their associates by sub-
sequent subscriptions, shall be, and they are hereby
declared to be incorporated into a company by the
name of the Dorchester and Delaware Railroad
Company, and by that name shall have perpetual
succession and be capable in law of purchasing,
receiving, holding, using, selling, leasing, mort-
gaging and conveying goods and chatties, lands,
tenements and hereditaments, and all estate real,
Capital slock.
personal and mixed of what kind or quality so ever;
may be sue and be sued, plead and be im pleaded
in all the courts of this State; may make have and
use a common seal, and the same may alter or
renew at pleasure, and also may ordain, establish
and enforce such by-laws and regulations as they
shall deem necessary for the government of said
corporation not repugnant to the Constitution and
and laws of the United States, and of this State,
and generally may do all and singular and matters
and things, and exercise and enjoy all rights,
powers and privileges which to them may properly
appertain for the well being and ordering of the
May sue and
be sued.
said corporation; provided, that nothing herein
contain shall be construed as in any way giving
to the said corporation any banking privileges
whatsoever, or any other powers or privileges than
such as are necessary or incident to the making and
proper management of the Railroad mentioned in
this act.
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That upon every sub-
scription of stock there shall be paid at the time of