Passed Feb.
6, 1866.
AN ACT to incorporate the Dorchester and Dela-
ware Railroad Company, and to direct the pay-
ment to the said company of the sum of money
pledged by the act passed at January Session,
eighteen hundred and sixty, chapter three hun-
dred and three, to works Internal Improvements
in Dorchester county.
ers appointed.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That William Wilson Byron, Ed-
ward W. Lecompt, James A. Stewart, Henry W.
Straughn, Lewis Ross, William Rea, Thomas W.
Anderson, Daniel M. Henry, James Wallace, Wil-
liam H. Barton, Charles F. Goldsborough, Robert
F. Thompson, Caleb Sheppard, Thomas B. Sher-
man, John Webster and Edward R. Goslin, be
and they are hereby appointed Commissioners un-
der the direction of whom, or a majority of whom,
subscriptions may be received to the capital stock
of the Dorchester and Delaware Railroad Company
Books to be
hereby incorporated; and they or a majority of
them, shall at any time within two years from the
passage of this act, procure a sufficient number of
suitable books, and cause them to be opened at
such time or times, place or places as they or
a majority of them shall direct, and in each of said
books shall be made the folio wing entry: we whose
names are hereunto subscribed do severally pro-
mise and oblige ourselves, our heirs, executors and
administrators to pay to the President and Direc-
tors of the Dorchester and Delaware Railroad com-
pany the sum of twenty-five dollars for every share
of stock set opposite to our respective names, in such
manner and proportions and at such times as shall
be determined by the President and Directors of
said company in pursuance of An Act of the Gen-
eral Assembly of Maryland, entitled, "An Act to
incorporate the Dorchester and Delaware Railroad
Company, " and to direct the payment to the said
company of the sum of money pledged by the act
passed tit January Session, eighteen hundred and
sixty, chapter three hundred and three, to works of
internal improvements in Dorchester county, as
witness our hands and seals this day of
in the year of our Lord eighteen hundred and,