sioners or any three of them, for further subscrip-
tions, from time to time, until the whole of said
stock shall he subscribed.
Notice of
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That when one-half
or more of the shares of said stock shall have been
subscribed, and three thousand dollars paid in, the
said commissioners, or a majority of them, who
opened the said subscription books, shall give
thirty days notice in two newspapers, that is one
in each county as aforesaid, of the time and place
appointed by them for the subscribers to meet, in
order to organize said company, and to choose by a
majority of votes of said subscribers, by ballot, to be
delivered in person or by proxy, duly authorized
managers from among the stockholders, to conduct
the business of said company until the first Mon-
day in April succeeding the organization of said
company, and until their successors shall be chosen
in the mariner hereinafter provided; at all elections
each stockholder shall be entitled to one vote for
every share held by said stockholder not exceeding
fifty; provided, in case of the death, removal, re-
signation or refusal to serve of any of the afore-
said commissioners, those remaining commission-
ers may appoint a sufficient number to fill up the
Sec. 4. And be it enacted, That the subscribers
for stock of said company shall be, and they
are hereby, incorporated and constituted a body
politic, by the name of the Union Bridge and
Unionville Turnpike Road Company, and by the
same the said stockholders, their successors and
assigns, shall have all the privileges and franchises
of or incident to a corporation, and shall be capa-
ble of taking and holding the said capital stock,
and the increase and profits thereof, and of en-
larging the same by a new subscription on the ori-
ginal terms, if necessary, to fulfill the intent of this
act, and of purchasing and holding to them and
their successors in fee simple, or of any less estate,
real or personal, as shall be necessary to them in
the prosecution of their works; provided, said
lands or real estates shall not exceed two acres in
any one lot or parcel, for the use of the gate-keeper,
and of sueing and being sued, answering and be-
ing answered in any court of law or equity in this
State, and the said company shall have power to