AN ACT to extend the provisions of the act of
January session eighteen hundred and sixty-five,
chapter one hundred and twenty-six, for the re-
lief of certain, parties indebted to the State, by
extending the time for payment therein men-
Passed Feb.
6, 1866
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the time limited for the pay-
ment of certain claims due the State as prescribed
in the act of January session eighteen hundred and
sixty-five, chapter one hundred and twenty-six, be
and the same is hereby extended until the first day
of April, eighteen hundred and sixty-six, and the
provisions of the said act of eighteen hundred and
sixty-five, chapter one hundred and twenty-six,
and of this act, are hereby extended and made to
apply to the said persons therein named, who were
indebted to the State for sums due prior to the first
day of August, eighteen hundred and sixty-one.
Time ex-
Sec. 2. Be it enacted, That in every case where
a surety or sureties shall have paid or may hereaf-
ter pay any such judgment, the comptroller shall
direct such judgment to be entered for the use of
such surety or sureties, by the clerk of the court
where such judgment was recovered, and such
surety or sureties shall be entitled to the benefits
of the lien of such judgment, and to have execu-
tion for the satisfaction thereof, and all other
remedies, to which the State is entitled.
to be entered
Sec. 3. And be it enacted, That this act shall
take effect from the date of its passage.
In force.