Passed Feb.
AN ACT to repeal section thirteen of article
twenty-nine, of the Code of Public General
Laws, relating to the Inspection of Records,
and to re-enact the same with amendments.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That section thirteen, of article
twenty-nine, of the Code of Public General Laws,
relating to the Inspection of Records, be and the
same is hereby repealed and re-enacted with
amendments, so as to read as follows:
Duty to in-
spect records.
It shall be the duty of the Judges of the several
Courts of Law and Equity, at every term, to in-
spect the records and papers of the offices attached
to their respective courts, relating to lauds, tene-
ments, or other real estate, and examine the con-
dition thereof and see whether the Clerk of such
Court has performed the duties required of him by
law, relating to the recording of judgments, de-
crees, executions and proceedings, and whether he
has entered and transcribed the docket entries
as required by law.
To be tran-
And if it should appear on such examination,
that any of the records have become so dilapidated
and worn as to require them to be transcribed, he
shall order and direct the Clerk to transcribe the
same into new record books, which the Clerk shall
procure for that purpose; and such new records
when so transcribed shall be carefully examined
and certified by said Clerk, and when so examined
and certified, shall be substituted for, and become
the records of said court in lieu of the worn out
records; and the Mayor and City Council of the
city of Baltimore, and the county commissioners of
the several counties respectively, shall levy such
sum of money as they shall deem a fair compensa-
tion for the labor of the Clerk in making such new
In force.
Sec. 2. And be it enacted, That this act shall
take effect from the date of its passage.