No. 36. An Act to appropriate a sum of money to pay
Capt. Jesse W. Lee, Perley R Lovejoy and J. W. Jordan,
assignee of Henry Powles, expenses incurred in registering
soldiers votes.
No. 37. An Act to encourage and facilitate Immigration
to the State of Maryland.
No. 38. An Act to authorize the Mayor and City Council
of Baltimore to increase the issue of Water Stock to assess and
collect water rates and water tax to supply water on the line
of their water works and to protect said water works from in-
No. 39. An Act to appropriate a sum of money to pay cer-
tain members of the committee on Ways and Means of the
House of Delegates and of the committee on Finance in the
Senate of eighteen hundred and sixty-four, for labors perform-
ed and services rendered after the adjournment of the Legis-
lature in accordance with the requirements o? Joint Resolu-
tion, number eleven, assented to March the tenth, eighteen
hundred and sixty-four.
No. 40. An Act to amend the Act of eighteen hundred and
fifty-three, chapter three hundred and eighteen, entitled, an
Act incorporating the Bohemia Bridge Company of Cecil
county, Maryland.
No. 41. An Act to amend an Act incorporating the West-
ern Maryland Railroad Company.
No. 42. An Act for repairing and furnishing the Govern-
or's Mansion.
No. 43. An Act to incorporate the President and Directors
of the Baltimore and Pikesville Railroad Company of Balti-
No. 44. An Act to pay to John Quigley, a private in Bat-
tery "B, " First Maryland Light Artillery, the same amount
of bounty which has been paid, under the Act of eighteen
hundred and sixty-four, chapter fifteen, to other members of
the said battery.
No. 45. An Act to incorporate the United States Fire and
Marine Insurance Company of Baltimore.
No. 46. An Act to authorize the Governor of the State,
and the Comptroller and Treasurer, to convey to the United
States of America the Government House and grounds be-