to be entered
in books.
Washington, and directed to any director or cor-
porator at his residence when he does not reside in.
the city of Washington, of the time and place of
said meeting and seven of whom shall constitute a
quorum, and they at the time mentioned in
said notice, shall then in case a quorum be present,
proceed to elect said President, Vice President and
Treasurer by ballot, first having appointed two of
their number as inspectors of said election, which two
inspectors so designated, shall certify under their
hands, the names of the President, Vice President
and Treasurer, thus duly elected, and shall, if they
are not present, notify them at once of their elec-
tions; the proceedings of said meeting, and of the
election of said officers shall be entered in the books
of the Company, and the officers so elected shall
hold their office for two years, and until others are
elected and qualified to fill their places, but before
the said Directors, or any of them, shall enter
upon their duties, they shall take and subscribe the
usual oath before some person authorized to admin-
ister the same, to support the constitution of the
United States, the constitution of the State of
Maryland, and faithfully to perform the duties of
the office of said corporate r; the Treasurer so
elected and before he enters upon his duties as
Treasurer, shall make, execute and deliver to the
President of said Company, a bond in the name of
said Company, in an amount to be approved of by
the President and Vice President, with sufficient
sureties as their by-laws, rules and regulations de-
termine, for the faithful performance of the several
duties and trusts to him committed.
Power to eon-
Sec. 5. And be it enacted, That the said Presi-
dent, Vice-President and Treasurer shall have pow-
er to contract with any person or persons to construct
said canal, reservoirs, basins and so forth, to appoint
a General Superintendent, engineers, surveyors and
other artists and laborers that they shall deem ne-
cessary to complete, and carry on said canal or any
portion of it; to fix the amount of salaries to be
paid by the company to all officers and persons em-
ployed by the company, (except their own salary, )
which shall be fixed by a majority of all the direc-
tors, and generally to do all such other acts, mat-
ters and things, as by this act and the by-laws, and
the regulations of the company they are authorized