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Session Laws, 1882 Special Session
Volume 418, Page 786   View pdf image (33K)
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drawing and summoning of jurors in the several


counties, and prescribing their qualifications ' "


and re-enact the same with amendments, be and


the same is hereby repealed and re-enacted so aa


to read as follows :


SECTION 3. When said list of names, selected as


directed in the preceding section, is made and


certified as therein provided for, immediately


thereupon the said judges of the said respective

Ballots— how

courts, in the presence of the members of the bar


as aforesaid, and such other persons as may think


proper to be present, shall cause all the names


selected and placed on the list as aforesaid, to be


legibly written upon ballots, which shall be of


equal size and of the same color and appearance,


and shall be closely rolled or folded, and in each


of the counties, except Baltimore and Frederick


counties, placed by the said judges, with their own


hands, immediately before the drawing herein

Cubiform box.

provided for, into a cubiform box with a sliding


top, of the square of eight inches, to be procured


for that purpose by the clerk of said court, under


the direction of the said judges; and after so de-


positing said ballots, the said box shall be closed,


and the said judges shall then cause the elerk or


one of his deputies, whom the said judge shall


designate, neither the one nor the other who may


be so required to act, to be present at the writing,


rolling or folding and depositing said ballots into


the box as herein directed, to appear before them,


and then and there, in the presence of the said


judges and such other persons as may choose to


be present, after well and thoroughly shaking


said box, so 'that the ballots be well mixed, to

How drawn.

draw from said box, through such opening made


by removing the sliding top thereof, as will only


conveniently admit the hand, and without in any


manner looking into said box, one by one, forty-


eight of said ballots; and the names appearing

Names re-

on said ballots as drawn, shall be duly recorded


by said judges, or by the clerk in his presence


and under his direction, in the order in which


they shall be drawn and in Baltimore county a


box shall be procured as aforesaid, of the form


aforesaid, and of the square of — inches; and said

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Session Laws, 1882 Special Session
Volume 418, Page 786   View pdf image (33K)
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