at the regular election to be held for a member of
Congress on the Tuesday after the first Monday of
November, in the year eighteen hundred and eighty-
two, which election shall be held in accordance with
how held.
the law governing general elections in this State;
in addition to the usual notice of such elections the
sheriff of said county shall give notice of the elec-
tion to be held by virtue of this act by advertise-
ment inserted in all the newspapers published in
said county, and by handbills posted in each elec-
tion district in said county, at least ten days before
said election, in which notice a copy of this act shall
be inserted, and the expenses of said advertisements
and handbills shall be levied and paid for by the
county commissioners of said county.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That at said election
the legal and qualified voters of said county are au-
thorized to cast a separate ballot, for or against said re-
moval, which said ballots shall have written or printed
Ballots— how-
on them the words ''For removal" or "Against
removal," and shall be received by the judges of
election and deposited by them in a box provided
for the purpose; and said tickets shall be counted
by the said judges, who shall make return of said
votes to the clerk of the Circuit Court for Charles
county, who shall, within ten days thereafter, make
proclamation of the result of said election by pub-
Result pro-
lication in the newspapers published in said county;
and it if shall be found by the said returns of the
judges and the proclamation of said clerk that more
votes were cast "Against removal" than "For re-
moval," then this act shall be nugatory and of no
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That if it shall be
found by said returns and the proclamation of the
elerk of the Circuit Court that more votes were
cast "For removal " than "Against removal," thence-
Location of
forth La Plata shall be the county seat of said
county seat.
county, and a court-house and a jail, together with
necessary offices for the transaction of the public
business, shall be built at La Plata.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That John G. Chap-
man, John H. Mitchell, Benj G. Stonestreet, John
Hoffman and Pere Wilmer, Jr., of Charles county and
Building com-
State of Maryland, be and they are hereby consti-
tuted a building committee for the purpose of having