ship stamped and engraved as contemplated in sec-
tion one (1) of this article, together with a copy of
Evidence cf
the advertisement appearing in the newspaper, shall
be evidence of title when certified to under the hand
of said clerk, with the seal of his office attached.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That it is hereby de-
clared to be unlawful for any person or persons,
Declared un-
partnerships or corporate bodies, hereafter, without
the written consent of the owner or owners thereof,
to trade or traffic in, or to wilfully mar or erase the
name or names, mark or marks thereon, or to break,
destroy or otherwise injure any such box or boxes,
bottle or bottles, jug or jugs, fount or founts, so
marked or stamped, description of which shall have
been filed and published as heretofore provided, or
to till the same with mineral water, porter or any
other beverage whatsoever, for the purpose of sale
or traffic; and any person or persons who shall vio-
late the provisions of this act shall be deemed
guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction as
ereinafter provided, shall be fined forty dollars for
every fount, and three dollars for each and every
Penalty for
keg, jug or box, and titty cents for each and every
bottle so by him, her or them filled, traded or
trafficked in or wantonly destroyed, or by him, her
or them caused to be so filled by any agent or em-
ployee or other person, bought, sold, used, trafficked
in, or wantonly destroyed, together with the costs
of suit.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the using by any
other person, partnership or corporation, than the
rightful owner thereof, without such written per-
mission, of any such keg, jug, bottle, fount or box
for the sale therein of porter, soda, mineral water
or other beverage, or any other article of merchan-
dise, medical compound or preparation, or to be
furnished to customers, or the buying, selling,
trafficking in any such keg, jug, bottle, fount or
box, by any person other than the owner, without
Written per-
such written permission, or the fact that any junk
dealers in kegs, bottles, founts or boxes shall have
in his, her or their possession any such kegs, jugs,
bottles, founts or box so marked or stamped and
recorded as aforesaid, without such written per-
mission, shall and is hereby declared to be prima
What consti-
tutes evidence
facie evidence that such use, buying, selling or