Chapter 491.
AN ACT to protect the property of manufacturers,
bottlers and dealers in mineral waters, porter and
other beverages, from the loss of their founts,
kegs, bottles and boxes.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That all persons, partnerships,
corporate bodies, manufacturers and bottlers, and
dealers in mineral waters, porter or any other bev-
erages whatsoever, who may use kegs, boxes, founts,
bottles, jugs or any other vessel upon which shall
appear the name or names of the person or persons,
partnerships or corporate bodies, marks of owner-
Furnish de-
ship stamped, engraved, cut or in manner affixed
thereon, may tile with the clerk of the Superior
Court of Baltimore city, should the business of any
such person or persons, partnership or corporation be
conducted within the limits of said city, or it in any
one of the counties of the State then before the
clerk of the Circuit Court therefor, a description of
such boxes or bottles, founts, jugs or any other ves-
sel, and of the name or names and the users and
owners of the same; and there shall be published
Publish notice
by the owners, if doing business in the city of Bal-
timore, a notice twice a week for two successive
weeks in some daily newspaper, or if in the coun-
ties a notice in some paper published in said county
once a week for two successive weeks.
SEC. 2. And de it enacted, That it shall be the
duty of the clerk of the Superior Court of Baltimore
city and the clerks of the Circuit Courts for the
various counties of the State to keep a separate
Keep separate
book of record, in which shall be entered all such
boon of record
names, marks or designations as are particularly
named and referred to in the preceding section, as
well as a copy of the newspaper advertisement cer-
tified to by the publishers of the newspaper or
papers in which said advertisement may have ap-
peared; and the clerks shall charge and be paid the
Fees of clerks.
usual fees of recording, to be accounted for by them
as in the case of other record fees; and a certified
copy of the name or names of the person or persons,
partnership or corporate bodies, marks of owner-