powers of a justice of the peace; he shall sec that
the laws and ordinances of the corporation are duly
executed; he may require any officer of the corpor-
ation entrusted with the receipt and expenditure of
Powers of
moneys of the corporation to submit to him a
statement of such officers' account as often as said
burgess or commissioners may deem necessary; he
shall report annually in writing to the commissioners
Report annu-
the general condition of the town, with the moneys
received and expended, which report shall be posted
up in not less than two of the most public places of
the town; he shall sign, or refuse to sign, all laws
and ordinances passed by the commissioners, with
his reasons in case refusing to sign, and if said law
or ordinance so unsigned by him be again put
upon its passage and receive the votes of four-fifths
of the commissioners, it shall become a law without
the approval of the burgess.
SEC. 21. And be it enacted, That all other officers,
or assistants to officers necessary to execute the
powers of said corporation, shall be provided and
Other officers.
appointed as by ordinance of the burgess and com-
missioners shall be directed.
SEC. 22. And be it enacted, That all moneys
arising from taxes, fines, forfeitures and penalties
imposed by this act or ordinance of the burgess and
How appro-
commissioners, shall be appropriated only to the
uses of said corporation as may by order or ordinance
be directed.
SEC. 23. And be it enacted, That all fines, pen-
alties and forfeitures imposed by the laws and ordi-
nances of said burgess and commissioners shall be
recovered before the burgess or any justice of the
How recov-
peace residing within the corporate limits of said
town upon a warrant issued against the offender,
directed to the bailiff of said corporation, or any
constable of said county, in the corporate name of
said town, and shall be collected by judgment and
execution in the same manner and with the same
costs and fees as provided for in cases of small debts,
and with such penalties to the officers for non-per-
formance of duty as in such cases prescribed by the
laws of the State; and said fines, penalties and
Whom to pay
forfeitures shall be paid by the officer collecting the
same to the clerk and treasurer of said town; pro-
viding that if the offence be a breach of the peace