sioners consistent with this act, the burgess shall
cause said work to be done, and collect the expenses
and cost thereof by distress in the manner that
county taxes are distrained for in Carroll county.
SEC. 17. And 'be it enacted, That in the opening,
establishing, widening or closing any roads, streets,
lanes or alleys, all damage done or suffered thereby,
if not agreed upon by the burgess and commissioners
and the person damaged, shall be determined and
How assessed.
assessed by three disinterested persons of some judg-
ment, residents of said town, to be appointed by
said burgess and commissioners, and who shall take
an oath before a justice of the peace for said county
that they will faithfully and fairly value the damage
to be suffered by the person or persons interested,
and shall return the damages assessed under their
bands and seals, with a certificate of their oath, from
the said justice of the peace, to the burgess and
commissioners at their meeting immediately follow-
ing said assessment of damages, which said assess-
ment of damages shall be ratified or rejected by
Ratified or re-
said burgess and commissioners, or a majority of
them, and any person or persons feeling aggrieved
by the determination of the burgess and commis-
sioners may, within sixty days from such determina-
tion, appeal to the Circuit Court for Carroll county,
and the judgment of said court shall be final; and
upon any appeal being taken, it shall be the duty
of the said burgess and commissioners to transmit
the papers connected with the case to the clerk of
Transmit pa-
said court, and before making any attempt to open,
establish, widen or close any road, street, lane or
alley, it shall be the duty of the burgess and com-
missioners to tender and pay, or cause to be tendered
or paid, to the person damaged, the amount of dam-
ages assessed and finally awarded; providing, al-
ways, that no private property shall be taken for
corporate use without compensation to the owner
SEC. 18. And be it enacted, That the burgess shall
appoint annually a bailiff for said town, which ap-
pointment shall be subject to the approval of the
Appoint bailiff
commissioners; before said bailiff enters upon his
duties he shall file with the clerk of said corporation
a bond with security, to be approved by the burgess
and commissioners, made to the said corporation for