pave and repair such roads, streets, lanes and alleys
as have been or may be laid out for that purpose ;
to prevent and remove nuisances; to provide against
fires, and for the extinguishment of the same; to
regulate fire companies; to provide for the safety
of houses, buildings and chimneys from fire; to pre-
vent the discharge of explosive materials; to regu-
late party walls and division fences; to levy a tax
on dogs and bitches, and to regulate their running
What to pre-
at large; to prevent and regulate the going at large
vent and that
to provide for.
of beasts, cattle, sheep and hogs; to restrain or
regulate public amusements, entertainments or exhi-
bitions and to license .the same; to restrain disorders
and disturbances and immoralities; to make, repair
or keep in order the roads, streets, lanes, footways
and alleys of said town, and the drains, sewers and
culverts thereof, and to build or secure a place of
confinement for persons charged or convicted of
violating the laws and ordinances for the suppres-
sion of vice and immorality and disorders.
SEC. 14. And be it enacted, That the said com-
missioners shall cause to be made an assessment
from time to time of all property, real and per-
sonal, within the limits of said town; and shall levy
a tax upon all such property, not to exceed in any
one year twenty cents on the one hundred dollars,
Assess prop-
as they may deem necessary for said corporate gov-
ernment expenses; and said commissioners may
borrow, to be used for corporate purposes, a sum
not exceeding one thousand dollars, before the col-
lection of said taxes, which debt shall be cancelled
as rapidly -as the collection of taxes succeeding said
borrowing will permit.
SEC. 15. And be it enacted, That said commission-
ers may direct by ordinances what material shall be
used in the paving, repairing and curbing the foot-
Paving mate-
ways, or any of them, in said town, and provide
that the same shall be done at the expense of the
owners of the land before which said footway shall
be made or repaired.
SEC. 10. And be it enacted, That if the owner
or owners of any land shall refuse or neglect for
Neglect to
thirty days after notice to pave, curb or repair any
footway immediately before his or her land, on the
same side of the road, street, lane or alley there-
with, as directed by any ordinance of the commis-