offence; and upon failure to pay such fine and costs
of prosecution shall be sentenced to imprisonment
in the county jail of the county in which the offence
has been committed for a period not exceeding ten
days, said fine to be paid one-half to the informer
Right of ap-
and the other half to the county commissioners for
the use of said county; provided, however, that any
person so convicted shall have the right of appeal
to the Circuit Court for the county.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
effect from the date of its passage.
Approved May 3, 1882.
Chapter 469.
AN ACT to repeal sections eighteen and nineteen
of article eighteen of the Code of Public Gen-
eral Laws, title " Clerks of Courts," and to re-
enact the same with amendments.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That sections eighteen and nineteen
Repealed and
of article eighteen of the Code of Public General
Laws, title " Clerks of Courts," be and the same are
hereby repealed and re-enacted so as to read as
follows :
SECTION 18. The said clerk shall also, in well
bound books, make up and complete a record of the
proceedings in every case where the title to real
estate has been decided by decree, judgment or
award, and in all cases where any lands or tene-
ments have been seized and sold under executions,
together with the several returns to such executions;
and the records of all such decrees, judgments,
Records— how
papers and proceedings shall be made up at full
made up.
length and in the manner before required within
the term of six months from the time when the
same shall be finally rendered, made and completed;
and where any sale of lands or tenements shall be
made under two or more writs of execution, it shall
be sufficient to make up the record only of the
elder of said judgments, with the execution, return