day, thirteen hundred and fifty dollars; for the per
diem of two Pages of the House of Delegates, at five
dollars each per day, nine hundred dollars; for the
per diem of one Janitor of the House of Delegates,
at five dollars per day, four hundred and fifty dol-
lars; for the per diem of one Postmaster of the
House of Delegates, at five dollars per day, four
hundred and fifty dollars; for the per diem of one
Messenger to the printer and Mail Carrier, at five
dollars per day, four hundred and fifty dollars; for
the per diem of one Messenger to the Speaker, at
five dollars per day, four hundred and fifty dollars;
for the diem of three Chaplains to the House of
Delegates, at one hundred and fifty dollars each,
four hundred and fifty dollars, and for the above
expenses of the Legislature, including mileage, sta-
tionery, postage and incidental expenses of the
members and officers, the sum of ninety thousand
dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary is
hereby appropriated; for the printing of the Gen-
eral Assembly of eighteen hundred and eighty-four,
twenty-five thousand eight hundred dollars, or so
Officers and
much thereof as may be necessary; for binding the
members of
the legislature,
laws, journals and documents of said session of the
General Assembly, three thousand dollars, or so
much thereof as may be necessary; for indexing the
journals and documents of the Senate and House of
Delegates, seven hundred dollars; for indexing the
laws, three hundred and fifty dollars; to the Sec-
retary of the Senate and Chief Clerk of the House
of Delegates, for copying and arranging for publica-
tion the laws of said session, and for salaries during
the recess of the Legislature, six hundred dollars
each, twelve hundred dollars; to the Clerk of the
Court of Appeals, for recording the laws of the
General Assembly of eighteen hundred and eighty-
four, four hundred and fifty dollars; for printing
expenses and clerical services, stationery and postage,
copies and other necessary expenses in the office of
the Attorney General, to be paid on vouchers therefor
duly exhibited to the Comptroller, thirteen hundred
dollars, or so much thereof as may be necessary;
for the expenses of the Court of Appeals, tive hun-
dred dollars, or so much thereof as may be neces-
sary; to the Commissioner of the Land Office, for
office expenses, three hundred dollars, or so much
thereof as may be necessary.