case shall be in accordance with the provisions of sec-
tion seventy-one and seventy-two of article eleven of
the Revised Code of the Public Laws of Maryland
so far as the same may be applicable; the office of
any collector of taxes against whom or whose bond
May be de -
clared vacant.
judgment shall be entered as aforesaid may be de-
clared vacant by the county commissioners, and
said vacancy filled by the appointment of another
SECTION 49. For the purpose of enabling the county
commissioners of that county to pay the said officers,
jurors and witnessess who may be in attendance upon
the sessions of the Circuit Court for said county
during the balance of the year eighteen hundred and
eighty-two, and to pay arrearages of expenses already
incurred and not paid by the attendance of said
officers, jurors and witnesses, their allowance in cash,
without thereby increasing materially the tax levy
of said county, the said county commissioners are
hereby authorized, from time to time, as may be
to borrow.
necessary, to borrow not exceeding five thousand
dollars, and to that end they are empowered to issue
the bonds of said county in sums of not less than one
hundred dollars, bearing not exceeding five per cent.
interest, payable semi-annually on the first of April
and the first of October respectively, the said bonds
to be payable at the end of twenty years, but redeem-
able at the pleasure of said commissioners, in whole
or in part, at any time after five years; the said bonds
to be signed by the said commissioners, counter-
signed and registered by the clerk and treasurer of
said board; not to be sold for less than the par value
thereof; to be exempt from all taxation, and the
interest thereon shall be received by the collectors
in payment of county taxes, and the said commis-
sioners shall, from time to time, levy in advance
upon the assessable property of said county such
sums as may be necessary for the prompt payment
of the semi annual interest due on said bonds, and
also for the payment of the principal thereof when
the same may become due, or when they desire to
redeem the same; all moneys received from the sale
of said bonds shall be paid to the said treasurer,
To whom paid.
and all money levied for the payment of the prin-
cipal and interest of the same shall be levied for the
use of said treasurer; and any collector failing to