SEC. 8 And be it enacted, That if it shall be
found by the returns of said judges of election
and the proclamation of said clerk, that the majori-
ty of all the votes cast in any one or more of the
election districts of said county are against the
sale of intoxicating liquors, then it shall not be
When unlaw-
lawful for any person or persons, house, corpora-
ful to sell.
tion, company or association to sell directly or in-
directly at any place within the limits of the said
district or districts of said county, any spirituous,
fermented or intoxicating liquors of any origin
whatever, or alcoholic bitters, after the first day
of May, in the year eighteen hundred and eighty-
three; but if it shall be found by the returns of
said judges of election and the proclamation of
said clerk of said court, that the majority of all
the votes cast, as prescribed in the preceding sec-
Sold or pro-
ond section, in any one or more of the election
districts of said Howard county, have been cast
for the sale of intoxicating liquors, then the same
shall be sold or prohibited, as now permitted to be
sold or prohibited by law, and not otherwise, in
such district or districts in said county.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That if any person or
persons, house, company, association or body cor-
porate shall sell, directly or indirectly, any spirit-
uous or fermented liquors or alcoholic bitters, or
intoxicating drinks of any kind, within the limits
of any election district of said Howard county
where a majority of all the votes cast shall have
been cast against the sale of intoxicating liquors,
on or after the first day of May, in the year eigh-
teen hundred and eighty -three, he, she, they or it
shall, on conviction thereof, forfeit and pay on the
Penalty for
first conviction a fine of not less than fifty dollars
nor more than three hundred dollars, and costs of
prosecution; or instead of such fine imprisonment
in the county jail for thirty days, or both, iu the
discretion of the court; and on the second and
every subsequent conviction not less than one
hundred dollars nor more than five hundred dol-
lars, and in addition to such fine, imprisonment
in the county jail for not less than thirty nor more
than ninety days, in the discretion of the court ;
and on failure to pay any such fine as herein de-