Chapter 450.
AN ACT to enable the qualified voters of Howard
county to determine by ballot whether spiritu-
ous, fermented or intoxicating liquors or alco-
holic bitters shall be sold in said county.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the question whether or not
any person or persons, house, corporation, com-
pany or association, may be permitted to sell any
spirituous, fermented or intoxicating liquors of
any origin whatever, or alcholic bitters, at any
time within the limits of Howard county, in this
State, or the election districts thereof, shall be
submitted to the registered and qualified voters of
submitted to
the several election districts of said county, at an
election to be held on the fifth day of December,
eighteen hundred and eighty-two (1882), and which
election shall be held in accordance with and sub-
ject to the law governing general elections in this
State; and the sheriff of said county shall give
notice of the time and purpose of said election by
advertising in at least two of the newspapers pub-
lished in said county, and by handbills posted at
prominent points in each election district of said
county, at least ten days before the said election,
Give notice of
in which notice a copy of this act shall be inserted
and in said handbills; and the expenses of said
election, including the advertisements and hand-
bills aforesaid, shall be levied by the commission-
ers of said county and paid by them.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That the ballots for
and against such sale shall have written or printed
upon them, "For the sale of intoxicating liquors,'"
or "Against the sale of intoxicating liquors," and
the ballots so cast shall be deposited in ballot
boxes to be provided for that purpose, and be care-
fully counted by the judges of said election; and
said judges shall make returns of said votes to the
clerk of the Circuit Court for Howard county,
and said clerk shall immediately make proclama-
tion of the results of said election.