contemplated county road, when said road has been
petitioned for by citizens of Carroll county, until
the application has been refused by the county com-
missioners of said county.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That all acts or parts
acts repealed.
of acts inconsistent with this act be and are hereby
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That this act shall
take effect from the date of its passage.
Approved May 3, 1882.
Chapter 445.
AN ACT to appropriate a sum of money to com-
pensate C. Keefer Thomas, of Frederick county,
for labor and expense incurred in moving the re-
mains of Confederate dead from his farm in
Frederick county to Mount Olivet Cemetery,
adjoining the city of Frederick.
WHEREAS by an act passed at the January session,
eighteen hundred and seventy, chapter three hun-
dred and sixty-six, the sum of two thousand dollars,
or so much thereof as might be necessary, was
appropriated by the State for the purpose of re-
moving to Mount Olivet Cemetery, adjoining the
city of Frederick, the remains of the Confederate
dead then lying in said county, and for the purpose
of erecting head-stones to the graves of said soldiers
so as to permanently mark and designate the same ;
and whereas a certain C. Keefer Thomas, of Freder-
ick county, did remove from his farm in said county,
the bodies of eighty Confederate soldiers who had
been interred in the fields of his said farm, and did
provide coffins for the same, and did cause them to
be reinterred in Mount Olivet Cemetery as aforesaid,
at his own expense, and without any compensation
whatsoever, at an expense of one hundred and
eighty dollars, the aforesaid appropriation having
all been expended without the payment of any-
thing whatsoever to Mr. Thomas; now, therefore —