meanor, and on conviction shall be punished by a
fine not exceeding two hundred dollars, or by im-
prisonment in the jail of the city of Baltimore or
House of Correction not less than thirty nor more
than sixty days, or by both fine and imprisonment.
SEC..... Be it enacted, That whoever offers any
money, fee or reward, directly or indirectly to any
Not to reward
elector to influence his vote at any election held
directly or in-
under the provisions of this sub section of the Code
of Public Local Laws relating to primary elections;
any elector who accepts any money, fee or reward
for his vote at any such election shall be fined not
more than two hundred nor less than fifty dollars,
or imprisoned in the House of Correction or the
jail of the city of Baltimore not more than six
months nor less than one month, and shall be dis-
qualified from thereafter voting at any such elec-
tion; whoever by threats or otherwise attempts to
Not to intimi-
intimidate any elector or judge of any election held
under this sub section of -the Code of Public Local
Laws, or in any manner interferes with or disturbs
any such election, shall be fined not more than one
hundred dollars, or imprisoned not more than thirty
nor less than twenty days in said House of Correc-
tion or the jail of the city of Baltimore.
SEC...... Be it enacted, That any delegate to any
convention held under this subsection of the Code
of Public Local Laws who asks or receives, either
directly or indirectly, any money or other property
whatsoever from any candidate for nomination to
Not to receive
any office whatsoever, shall be fined not more than
directly or in-
two hundred and fifty nor less than fifty dollars, or
imprisonment in the House of Correction or in the
jail of the city of Baltimore not more than three
months nor less than one month, and be disqualified
from thereafter voting or being nominated at any
such election or convention.
SEC...... Be it enacted, That a candidate for nomi-
nation to any office before any convention held
under this sub-section of the Code of Public Local
Laws who pays, or promises to pay, directly or indi-
rectly, any money or property to any delegate
Fined or im-
for the purpose of obtaining his influence or vote
for such nomination in such convention, shall be
fined not more than five hundred nor less than one
hundred dollars, or be imprisoned not more than