day in the same election; and it shall the duty of
said judges of election, if such objection be not
withdrawn, to administer to the person so offering
to vote, an oath or affirmation, to the general effect
that he will truly testify to all matters relating to
his said qualifications under said published call, his
residence, citizenship of the United States, receiving
or being promised, directly or indirectly, any money,
fee or reward for his vote for any candidate, and
whether he has voted at that or other polling place
on that day at such election; it shall then be the duty
of the judges of election to interrogate the person so
Judge to in-
objected to as to all matters in particular upon which
said objections was made, and generally as to all of
said qualifications; if the person so objected to shall
refuse to answer such questions after said oath or
affirmation shall have been administered, it shall be
the duty of the judges of election to reject such vote;
but if such oath be taken and such questions be
answered satisfactorily, and not, contradicted success-
fully by the sworn testimony of other witnesses who
may be called, it shall be the duty of the judges of
election to admit the vote sworn to be qualified
according to the terms of the call and the provis-
ions of this act, having the word "sworn" noted
opposite the party's name on the poll list; and any
wilful violation of the provisions of this section
by the judges of election shall be deemed a mis-
demeanor, and shall, on conviction, subject the party
offending to punishment as prescribed in section five
Penalty for
of this act; and any person who shall, upon taking
wilful viola-
such oath or affirmation, and under the examination
herein authorized, wilfully make a false statement
to a matter pertinent and material in such examina-
tion, shall be deemed guilty of the crime of perjury,
and, on conviction, be punished as prescribed by law.
SEC..... Be it enacted, That any person voting,
who is not a citizen of the United States, or who is
not qualified to vote in the ward wherein the elec-
tion is held at the next coming State or municipal
election, or any person who shall vote after objec-
tion is made and sustained as specified in section
seven of this act, or any person who shall vote more
than once at the same of different polls on the same
day in the same election, whether such objection be
made or not, shall be deemed guilty of a misde-