Pro rata
State upon receiving certificates for the pro rata
amount of
amount of the capital stock of the consolidated cor-
poration to which, as a stockholder of the Worcester
Railroad Company, the State shall be entitled under
said agreement of consolidation; provided that said
pro rata amount of said stock of the consolidated cor-
poration coming to the State under such agreement
shall not bear a less proportion to the amount of
stock of the Worcester Railroad Company held by the
State than the pro rata amount of stock of said con-
solidated corporation coming to any private stock-
holder of the Worcester Railroad Company under
said agreeement shall bear to the amount of stock
of the Worcester Railroad Company held by such
private stockholders.
SEC. 8. And be it enacted, That any other stock-
holder of the Worcester Railroad Company hereby
authorized to consolidate, who shall refuse to con-
vert his stock into the stock of the consolidated
company, may at any time within thirty days after
the adoption of said agreement of consolidation by
the stockholders of each of the consolidated compa-
nies, as in said act of the Legislature of Delaware
Apply by peti-
and as in this act provided, apply by petition to the
court of the county in which the chief office of
said the Worcester Railroad Company may be kept,
or to a judge of said court in vacation, if no court
sits within said period, on reasonable notice to said
company, to appoint three disinterested persons to
estimate the damages, if any, done to such stock-
holder by said proposed consolidation, and whose
award, or that of a majority of them, when con-
firmed by said court, shall be final and conclusive;
and the persons so appointed shall also appraise said
stock of said stockholder at the full market value
Appraise stock
thereof, without regard to any depreciation or appre-
ciation in consequence of said consolidation, and the
said company may, at its election, either pay to said
stockholder the amount of damages so found and
awarded, if any, or the value of the stock so ascer-
tained and determined, and upon the payment of
the value of the stock as aforesaid the said stock-
holder shall transfer the said stock so held by him
to said company, to be disposed of by the directors
of said company, or to be retained for the benefit of
the remaining stockholders; and in case the value