to the Worcester Railroad Company, shall be deemed
and taken to be transferred to and vested in such
consolidated corporation without further act or deed;
and vested.
and all property, all rights of way, and all and every
other interests shall be as effectually the property
of the consolidated corporation as they were of the
Worcester Railroad Company prior to such consoli-
dation; and title to real estate either by deed or
otherwise under the laws of this State, vested in the
Worcester Railroad Company, shall not be deemed
to revert or be in any way impaired by reason of
this act; provided that all rights of creditors and
Rights of
all liens upon property of the Worcester Railroad
Company shall be preserved unimpaired, and the
Worcester Railroad Company may be deemed to
continue in existence to preserve the same and all
debts, liabilities and duties, public or private, of the
Worcester Railroad Company, shall thenceforth
attach to the said consolidated railroad company,
and be enforced against it to the same extent as if
the said debts, liabilities and duties had been in-
curred or contracted by it.
SEC. 6. And be it enacted, Suits may be brought
Suits may be
and maintained against such consolidated company
in any of the courts of this State for all causes of
action in the same manner as against other railroad
companies herein, if at the time of the consolidation
authorized and provided for by the said act of the
Legislature of Delaware, and by this act, there shall
be pending against either of the companies consoli-
dated thereunder, any action, suit or proceeding at
law or in equity, the consolidated corporation may
be made a party to such action, suit or proceeding,
Party to ac-
and upon said consolidated corporation being so
made a party, the action, suit or proceeding shall
proceed as if such consolidated corporation were an
original party, and the courts shall have full power
to make such order or decree, and to render such
judgment as to right and justice shall appertain.
SEC. 7. Be it enacted, That the State shall con-
vert the stock of the Worcester Railroad Com-
Convert stock.
pany held by it into stock of the consolidated cor-
poration, and the Comptroller of the State is hereby
authorized and directed to deliver up to said con-
solidated corporation the certificates for said stock
of the Worcester Railroad Company held by the