Chapter 313.
AN ACT to incorporate the town of Perryville,
Cecil county, Maryland.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly
of Maryland, That the citizens of the town of Perry-
ville, in Cecil county, shall be, and they are hereby
Made a body
made, a body corporate by the name and style of the
" Commissioners of Perryville," and by that name
may sue and be sued, may grant, receive and do all
other acts as natural persons, and may purchase and
hold real, personal and mixed property, or dispose
of the same for the benefit of said town, and may
have and use a common seal, which may be broken
or altered at pleasure, and shall have perpetual
SEC. 2. And lie it enacted, That the taxable limits
of said town shall be as follows: Beginning at a
point in the centre of the track of the Philadelphia,
Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad Company, at
the east end of the abutment of the bridge of said
company that crosses the Susquehanna river, and on
the east side of said river, and rnnning in an easternly
direction in the centre of the north bound track of
said company to a point under the west side of the
Taxable limits
bridge of John Stump, thence in a nortliwesternly
direction by a straight line to a large, flat stone in
or on the edge of a small run on the land of the
Misses Chamberlain, one hundred and fifty-seven
feet in an easternly direction from a very large pop-
lar tree that stands on the line between the lands of
the said Misses Chamberlain and Doctor Virdin,
thence in a westernly direction, with and bounding
on said run and on the south side thereof until it
empties into the Susquehanna river twenty feet
north of the ice houses and wharf of Cochran & Co ,
thence with and bounding on the Susquehanna river
to the place of beginning.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the male citizens
of the United States of the age of twenty-one years
and upwards, who shall have resided in the town of
Perryville one year next preceding the election, and
all male citizens of the United States of the age of
twenty-one years and upwards who own real estate