machinery, apparatus or engines shall be actually
employed and used in the business of manufacturing
in said city, provided such abatement or exemption
Extend to all
shall be extended to all persons, firms or corporations
engaged in the branch or branches of manufacturing
industry proposed to be benefited by ordinance
under the provisions of this act.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this act
shall take effect from the date of its passage.
Approved March 30, 1882.
Chapter 209.
AN ACT to prohibit the granting of license for the
sale of Spirituous or Fermented Liquors or Lager
Beer in School District number one, in the Fourth
Election District of Wicomico county.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That hereafter it shall not be
Unlawful to
lawful for the clerk of the Circuit Court for Wicom-
issue license.
ico county to issue license to any person or persons
to sell spirituous or fermented liquors or lager beer
within the limits of school district number one, in
the fourth election district of Wicomico county.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That if the said clerk
of the Circuit Court for said county shall issue such
license, then any person or persons who shall sell
Fine for sell-
ing liquors, &c.
any spirituous or fermented liquors or lager beer by
virtue of such license, within the limits of the afore-
said school district, shall be subject to a fine of five
hundred dollars for each and every offence.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That this act shall take
effect on and after the first day of May, in the year
When effec-
eighteen hundred and eighty-two.
Approved March 30, 1882,