upon conviction thereof before any justice of the
peace of Cecil or Harford counties, the license of
such person or persons shall be revoked, and such
person or persons, whether licensed or not, shall be
fined not less than twenty dollars for each offence,
and shall forfeit the boat and gun or guns, and ma-
Penalty for
terial so employed in violation of the provisions of
this section, which boat and gun or guns, and ma-
terial shall be sold, and the proceeds of such fine
and sale, after the costs of prosecution have been
paid, shall go to the officer or officers making the ar-
rest, and the possession of any docks or gun, by any
such boat so offending, shall be prima facie evidence
of a violation of this act.
Approved March 30, 1S82.
Chapter 181.
AN ACT to enable the Mayor and City Council of
Baltimore to accept a donation from Enoch Pratt
for the establishment and perpetual endowment
of a Free Public Library in said city, to be known
as " The Enocli Pratt Free Library of Baltimore
city," and to provide for the appointment and in-
corporation of trustees for the management thereof.
WHEREAS Enoch Pratt, of the city of Baltimore,
has, with signal generosity, public spirit and philan-
thropy, offered to establish an institution to be known
as " The Enoch Pratt Free Library of Baltimore
city," and for that purpose has agreed to erect upon
a lot on Mulberry street, in said city, owned by him,
a library building to cost the sum of two hundred and
twenty-five thousand dollars, or thereabout, and to
convey the said lot and building, when completed, to
the Mayor and City Council of Baltimore, and also
to pay the sum of eight hundred and thirty-three
thousand three hundred and thirty-three dollars and
thirty-three cents to the said Mayor and City Coun-
cil of Baltimore, provided the said Mayor and City
Council will accept said conveyance and said sum
of money, and agree, by an ordinance, to grant and