Chapter 1O8.
AN ACT to authorize the Board of School Com-
missioners for Baltimore county to pay to William
H. Rimmey a certain sum of money.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That the Board of School Com-
missioners of Baltimore county be and they are
hereby authorized, in their discretion, and in case
the said board shall deem it just and proper, to pay
to William H. Rimmey, of Baltimore county, the sum
for alleged loss
of three hundred and ninety-seven dollars and fifty
cents, as compensation for an alleged loss sustained
by the said William H. Rimmey in the erection of
a school house, outbuildings and fence for the said
Board of School Commissioners of Baltimore county,
at Mount Winans, in the thirteenth election district
of Baltimore county.
SEC. 2. That this act take effect from the date of
its passage.
Approved March 30, 1882.