SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That Edmund R. Eschbach, Si-
mon S. Miller, Louis Markell, J. Taylor Motter and
Jacob H. Lichliter, and their successors, duly elected
and appointed in manner as is hereinafter directed,
be and they are hereby made, declared and con-
Constituted a
stituted a corporation and body politic and corpo-
rate, to have continuance until otherwise ordered
by the General Assembly, by the name, style and
title of " The Trustees of the Maryland Classis of the
Reformed church in the United States;" and by the
name, style and title aforesaid, shall hereafter be
persons able and capable in law, as well to take, re-
ceive and hold such estate, property and effects as
Receive and
may be acquired by gift, purchase, devise, grant or
hold property
bequest by said ministers and elders of the Mary-
land Classis of the Reformed church in the United
States, or any other person or persons, to their use,
or in trust for them, according to the original use
and intent for which such gifts, purchases, devises,
grants or bequests shall be respectively made; sub-
ject, however, in the case of devises and bequests,
always to the sanction of the General Assembly of
Maryland, as provided in the declaration of rights.
SEC. 2. And be it enacted, That no misnomer of the
said corporation, and their successors, shall defeat
Misnomer not
to defeat.
or annul any purchase, gift, grant, devise or bequest
to or from the said corporation; provided the intent
of the party or parties shall sufficiently appear upon
the face of the gift, will, grant or other writing,
whereby any estate or interest was intended to pass
to or from the said corporation.
SEC. 3. And be it enacted, That the said corpo-
ration, and their successors, shall have full power
Use one com-
and authority to make, have and use one common
mon seal.
seal, with such device and inscription as they shall
see fit and proper, and the same to break, alter and
renew at their pleasure.
SEC. 4. And be it enacted, That the said corpo-
ration and their successors, by the name, style and
title aforesaid, shall be able and capable, in law, to
sue and be sued, to plead and be impleaded, in any
Sue and be
court, or before any judge or justice, in all manner
of suits, complaints, pleas, matters and demands, of
whatsoever nature, kind and form they may be, and
all and every matter and thing to do, in as full and