Chapter 104.
AN ACT to amend section twenty of article fifty-
six of the Code of Public General Laws of this
State, title " License," sub-title " Hawkers and
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assem-
bly of Maryland, That section twenty of article
fifty- six of the Code of Public General Laws of this
State, title "License," sub-title " Hawkers and Ped-
Repealed and
lars," be and the same is hereby repealed and re-en-
acted so as to read as follows :
20. No hawker or pedlar shall buy for sale out
of the State, or buy to trade, barter or sell, or offer
Hawker or
to trade, barter or sell within the State, any goods,
pedlars license
wares or merchandise, until he shall have first taken
out a license for that purpose; but nothing in this
section shall apply to hawkers and pedlars of oys-
ters and fish in their unpreserved and natural con-
How con-
dition, or of fruits and vegetables perishable in their
nature, that are sold in their natural condition in
this State.
Approved March 21, 1882.
Chapter 105.
AN ACT to incorporate the Trustees of the Mary-
land Classis of the Reformed church in the United
WHEREAS the ministers and elders of the Mary-
land Classis of the Reformed church in the United
States, consisting of citizens of the State of Mary-
land and the District of Columbia have represented
that, by donations, devises, bequests, gifts, grants
and otherwise, they expect to be possessed of lands
and moneys for benevolent and religious and pious
purposes; but the said ministers and elders, as an
unincorporated body, will find it very difficult to
manage the said lands and moneys in the way best
calculated to advance the cause of religion and pro-
mote the spread of the gospel; therefore —