zone in West Annapolis and vicinity within the following
metes and bounds: Beginning for the same at the N. E. corner
of the cobble stone wall of the National Cemetery which point
is also a boundary of the City of Annapolis and the Second
District of Anne Arundel County and running thence with the
boundary line of the City of Annapolis in a northeasterly di-
rection to the northwest shore line of College Creek, thence
following the meanderings of the northwest shore line of Col-
lege Creek till it intersects the southwestern line of the United
States property known as the Admiral's Gardens thence run-
ning northwesterly with the said line to intersect the road
leading from the Baltimore and Annapolis Boulevard to W. est
Annapolis in a northwesterly direction to the center line of the
Baltimore and Annapolis Railroad Company tracks, thence
with the center line of said Railroad tracks in a northeasterly
direction to the center of Coombs street in West Annapolis,
thence with the center line of said Coombs street in West An-
napolis in a northwesterly direction to the center line of Sev-
ern avenue in West Annapolis, thence with the center line of
said Severn avenue in a northeasterly direction to the center
line of the intersection of Severn avenue and Westwood road,
thence with the center line of said Westwood road in a north-
westerly direction to the North East Shore line of Weems Creek,
thence with the meanderings of said creek in a southwesterly
direction to intersect the westerly line of the property known
as the old Finkbine farm, thence with the westerly line of said
farm running in a southerly direction to intersect the center
line of the County road leading towards Cedar Park and An-
napolis, thence with said road in a southeasterly direction to
intersect the west side of the road running from West street
extended towards West Annapolis, thence with the west side
of said road in a southerly direction to the place of beginning.
224. The County Commissioners of Anne Arundel County
are hereby further authorized and empowered to install fire
plugs within the aforesaid Fire District zone, and further to
levy a special tax annually on all real property within said
fire district zone, to raise a sum not to exceed in toto the sum
of four thousand dollars, to pay for the cost of installation of
said fire plugs, within a period of ten years, and further to levy
a special tax annually to raise such sums of money as shall be
necessary to defray the expenses of maintenance and repairs to
said fire plugs.
SEC. 2. And be it further enacted, That this Act shall take
effect on June 1, 1937.
Approved May 28, 1937.