Board of Education of Dorchester County and the State
Superintendent of Schools, as provided by law; and to pro-
vide for the payment of the interest on the said bonds and
the principal thereof by the levy of taxes; and to create
school building Commissions of Dorchester County to super-
vise the building and installation of said school buildings
and improvements, " reducing the amount of the grant re-
quired from the United States Government from forty-five
per cent (45%) to thirty per cent (30%) before said bonds
may be issued.
SECTION 1. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of Mary-
land, That Sections 1 and 14 of Chapter 484 of the Acts of
1937, authorizing the County Commissioners of Dorchester
County to issue school bonds, under certain conditions, be and
they are hereby repealed and re-enacted, with amendments, to
read as follows:
1. For the purpose of erecting a public school building for
white children, to be known as the new Cambridge Seminary,
to be built on the old premises where the old Seminary is now
located, or to purchase or exchange land for a new site for
same to be erected thereon and for enlarging, remodeling, im-
proving and equipping the East Cambridge School for white
children, or to build a new East Cambridge school, and to
equip same and for enlarging, remodeling, improving and
equipping the Secretary school for white children, or to build
a new Secretary school and to equip same and for improving
and equipping the Eldorado school for white children, and for
improving and equipping the Hoopers Island High School for
white children, and for improving and equipping the Hudson
school for white children, and for enlarging and equipping the
Crapo High School for white children, and to erect and equip
a new school for colored children in Cambridge, and to pur-
chase a site therefor, if necessary, and to erect and equip a new
school for colored children at Reids Grove, consisting of one
room, and to purchase a site therefor, if necessary, and to re-
pair and improve the County schools for children, and for funds
to he expended for a public playground in the City of Cam-
bridge, the County Commissioners of Dorchester County, Mary-
land, are hereby authorized and empowered, in their discretion,
to borrow on the faith and credit of Dorchester County a sum
not exceeding One Hundred Fifty Thousand Dollars ($150, -
000. 00), and to issue bonds therefor from time to time in such
amount or amounts as may be deemed necessary by the
County Commissioners of Dorchester County, Maryland, pro-
vided that the said the County Commissioners of Dorchester
County, Maryland, are able to obtain an agreement with the