patents, certificates, warrants, assignments, demands,
commissions and instructions from Lord Baltimore.
Liber 6—photocopy of a copy, made in 1725, of existing original
Liber R82 (pp. 1-540) and part of existing original
Lifter X (pp. 541-627). Liber R—211 numbered double
pages; first 4 pages missing in original. but the 4th
missing page is supplied in the copy; index in original
but not in copy; entries from 1659; contains demands,
warrants, certificates, patents, assignments.
Liber X—429 pages with an apparently definite end of
the book at p. 429 but with index references to pp. 433,.
434, 435 as well83; index in original but not in copy;
entries from 1661 to 1663; contains demands, warrants,
certificates, patents, assignments. The original of
Liber X constitutes Liber 1 of the Warrants Series.
Liber 7—photocopy of a copy, made in 1725, of parts of existing
original Liber Z (pp. 1-343) and existing original Liber
A A (pp. 344-639).
Liber X—cf. under Liber 6 above.
Liber A A—532 numbered pages; index in original but
not in copy; entries from 1633 to 1664; contains de-
mands, warrants, proofs of rights, certificates, patents,
assignments, caveats.
Liber 8—photocopy of a copy, made in 1726, of pp. 302-532 of
existing original Liber A A; 347 pages; cf. under Liber
7 above.
Liber 9—photocopy of a copy, made in 1725, of pp. 1-720 of
existing original Liber CC; 640 pages; entries from
1664 to 1665; index in original but not in copy; con-
tains demands, warrants, proofs of rights, certificates,
patents and assignments.
Liber 10—photocopy of a copy, made in 1726, of pp. 1-519 of ex-
isting original Liber DD and pp. 720-828 of existing
original Liber CC; 518 pages.
Liber DD—519 pages; entries from 1665; index in orig-
inal but not in copy; contains demands, warrants,
82 The present binding labels this volume as Liber RX, probably due to the
influence of having both R and X copied together in Liber 6. The 1680
list of course mentions no Liber RX, simply Liber R 1659.
83 These entries are in a hand different from that of the normal index
entries, indicating that they were added later with the intention of adding
the corresponding entries later or with the aim of identifying some loose
papers kept between the last pages of the book.