but more likely due to the copy's being an abridged
form of the original; 74 no index; entries from 1636
to 1642; contains proofs of rights, warrants, de-
mands, certificates, patents and assignments as well
as commissions, instructions, orders, letters, marriage
license applications and other court proceedings,
especially in the first and last parts of the book.
Proprietary Records Liber B—387 numbered pages,
according to the original pagination retained in the
copy, followed by some 10 unnumbered pages and
these in torn followed by 45 numbered pages at the
end of the book containing Acts and Orders of the
General Assembly of 1654 and 1657; at p. 48 the page
numbering starts over again with 29 but then pro-
ceeds regularly; 75 entries from 1646 to 1658; contains
demands, proofs of rights, warrants, certificates,
caveats, patents, assignments and commissions, but
consists mostly of other court proceedings.
Liber 2—photocopy of a copy, made in 1725, of existing original
Proprietary Records Liber Z76 (pp. 1-190) and part of
existing Proprietary Records Liber A (pp. 191-626).
Proprietary Records Liber Z—divided into 4 parts:
1) 87 unnumbered pages 2) 59 pages partially num-
bered, of which 3 are blank and 30 missing, plus ant
index to the first 45 pages 3) pp. 60-119, with pp. 91
and 119 blank and pp. 92418 missing 4) pp. 120-
130 (?) with 8 more missing pages indicated by figures
in the index on p. 120; 77 entries from 1637 to 1644;
contains all kinds of business of the Province includ-
ing proclamations, warrants, demands for land and
Proprietary Records Liber A—398 pages, in many
cases illegibly numbered, with the first 56 pages miss-
74 Probably by leaving out entries of court proceedings.
75 About half of these first 48 pages consist of rather regular court proceed-
ings entries from the years 1646 and 1647. Because the rest of the regular
entries of Liber B are of 1650 or 1651 and later and because of the early
close relationship apparently existing between Libers A and B (as may
be noted in the 1680 list) it is possible that some of the missing first 56
pages of Liber A are to be sought here.
76 The exact title of this book is not known, its present one having been
given it by an 18th-century records committee. Since no corresponding
volume is mentioned in the 1680 list it may have been lost for a. time.
The copy in Liber 2 is complete but for the addition of one entry, Sept.
22, 1638 and the exclusion of entries on pp. 9, 32, 79 and pp. 1-3 of Testa-
mentary papers, and the Wills (cf. Arch. Md., I, xiv).
77 Arch. Md., I, xiv.