And whereas. Countless millions of the property in this
State, held by corporations and by other Acts of the General
Assembly, have been and are now exempt from taxation as
before intimated in direct violation of the spirit as well as
the letter of the Constitution, amounting in the aggregate,
doubtless to one half of the taxable property in Maryland.
And whereas, All these exemptions of property from taxa-
tion is directly devolving the whole expense of the Govern-
ment upon the real property of the State, thereby prostrating
the whole agricultural community, for the sole benefit of
others, and in some localities rendering the land of the State
almost entirely worthless.
Therefore ordered, That the Committee on Finance to be
hereafter appointed, be and they are hereby, requested dili-
gently to inquire what amount of property of all and every
description both personal and real, is now exempt in this
State from taxation, and whether such exemption is by law,
or by acts of incorporation.
And be it further ordered, That the said Committee on
Finance be requested to report to this Body at their earliest
convenience such bill as will, as far as possible, relieve every
species of property now exempt from taxation, from such ex
emption, and that the said committee report bills to impose
equal taxation on all the property of this State, personal and
real, without any distinction whatever, unless barr'd by Acts
of Incorporation or other contracts entered into by the State,
and that the said Committee on Finance have leave to report
by bill or otherwise.
Which was ordered to be entered upon the Journal, and
lie over.
On motion by Mr. Stevens, it was,
Ordered, That a committee of three be appointed by the
President to confer and report upon the names of Ministers
of the Gospel, suitable to officiate as Chaplains in the Senate
during its session.
The President appointed as said committee, Messrs. Stevens,
Gorman and Hepbron.
Mr. Gorman presented the memorial of Thomas A. Lynch,
contesting the election of Asa A. Lawrence, Senator returned
for St. Mary's county.
Which was read and referred to the Committee on Elec-
tions, (hereafter to be appointed.)